Thursday, August 18, 2022

Wacky Wednesday (The Backlog!)

Wednesdays look like they're going to be busy this year! And classes haven't even started yet! I got home from work, grabbed Shane, and we scooted off to his new middle school.

Visiting before the year isn't required, but I wanted to do whatever possible to familiarize Shane with Walton before things started for real.

We walked the halls, talked to his teachers, and enjoyed the newness of it all. 

Based on first impressions, I'm wondering if Science will be Shane's favorite.

While he has Math and English everyday, Science and History are every other day. I'm wondering if that break will make class seem more special. Plus, Shane already likes science! The room was filled with animals and other items of high Shane interest. 

We didn't stick around long. Instead, we continued into town to go to Youth Group!

It was Shane's second time at Youth Group. He was running, yelling, and making all sorts of strange noises in no time flat. Any advice I've given him to try to watch and listen to learn about the kids around him to make friends always seems to go out the window the moment he sees other kids! 

I watched some, but retreated down the hill to the car. I kept the window down and, oh boy, I could definitely hear Shane clearly amongst all the other kids! 

I don't remember if it was this week or the week after, but one of the MS Boy Group Leaders, Johnny, came down to introduce himself to me. He wanted to "brainstorm ideas to help Shane focus more appropriately during group time!" 

I wish I could say I was surprised.

It was a good talk, though. Johnny praised Shane for how much he knew about the Bible, but was focused on "Can you act on what you know?" as opposed to running squawking and rolling around on the floor when other kids were sharing. Shane was sheepish by the end of it. Seeing Johnny and I talk was all the redirection needed. I haven't heard any complaints since (and I'm writing this in December!) 

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