Thursday, August 25, 2022

REALLY!?!? (The Backlog)

When trying to catch up, I filtered posts to look at only drafts. Many times I start things and don't finish them. This post was an outlier in that it was completed! Originally slated to be published October 21, 2021, I found a different post about cats when I investigated the date. I'm not 100% sure why this wasn't posted. It could be that Carrie didn't want to post it as she ended up regretting moving Eddie in with the girls, or it could be that I was moving stuff around and lost it in the shuffle. 

Since I'm so far behind, I decided to post it regardless of why it wasn't before.

We moved Eddy in with the mares to make room for Indy. For the first week, Abby and Eowyn bossed him around, but something started to change. Eddy was in charge the 2nd week, and the 3rd week?

The 3rd week Abby was in heat. I watched her walk up and squirt in front of him.

Eddy is old. He's nearly 24 years old with creaks, cracks, pops, and no balls, but Abby wanted his inner stallion.

Eddy's "inner stallion" sort of knew what to do....sort of. 

Carrie said the horny pair was a huge pain with doing chores. They didn't want to separate to eat and were high-stress in their stalls. Micayla came out to ride Abby, but Abby only wanted a different sort of ride (that she and Eddy were still trying to figure out!).

So Eddy had to go back to dude land.

Eddie was not a happy camper. He ran up and down the fence line and called to Abby constantly. He kept the vigil for days.

Abby calmed down much faster. She called back sometimes and looked longingly across the aisle, but she went out of heat and went back to eating.

Things have calmed down since. It took days. Heidi had said that when Eddy was fielded with mares in the past, "He didn't want to come back inside." That's an understatement compared to what we saw! Eddie wanted to be an alpha, breeding stallion! Mark in the record books that Eddy hanging out with the mares was a failed experiment. 

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