Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Youth Group

Sunday was "Move Up Sunday" at Kidspoint. Shane's old enough now for StudentLife. He joined the other 6th-8th graders while I went to the service. 

Shane said it was "Okay." Not terrible. Not great. He said that the "Lady leading it" spent forever introducing herself and then the kids only got a moment each! He probably wanted an equal amount of time to relate his life story and expound upon a topic or two!

Later, he told Nana "the kids were looking down on him." Carrie called him out and he said, "No! Some of them were really tall!"

There was a Youth Group pool party after church, but the timing and location was terrible for us. Church got out at 10:30 AM, but the party was at 1:30 PM. It was also roughly 40 minutes from our house, so we didn't end up going.

Instead, we went on errands. Shane blow-dried his hair at Lowe's.

He got to ride shotgun for the first time with me (and made a stupid face when I took a picture to commemorate the occasion).

We grabbed groceries amongst our errands, so we had to go home to store them. I believe it was a little after 12 PM.  We would've had to eat and head right back out the door for the pool party. I asked Shane if he wanted to go and he said he was tired.

I did make him go to our pool later (only 5 minutes away!). He grumbled, but I was determined to make him stay for at least one rotation. James was there for the first time I recall, so Shane was suddenly willing to stay longer.

The spent the last five minutes of break looking at something on James' phone. James stayed on it once the whistle blew, but I was happy to see Shane make a break for the pool!

Wednesday night is the big youth group gathering each week. Sunday was only for middle schoolers. Wednesday was for everyone!

Only it had to storm. The weather threatened enough we thought there was a chance youth group could be cancelled! I still went for it when the time came. Thankfully, the worst had passed and we made it a little early. 

I walked Shane inside and then went out to the car. We're too far away to make driving home worth it for me. 

Shane came out happy and high energy. He said it was great! They'd broken down into small groups and there was a lot more time to talk! Shane was one of 4 or 5 middle school boys (he wasn't sure of the count). He told me that he got to do an axolotl walk and nailed it!

Shane was so pumped coming out, that it surprised me when he gave Nana a more hesitant report. The littler stink told Nana, "The older kids looked down on him." When questioned on it, Shane said, "They were so tall!" He sure loves his drama.

So youth group is off to a good start. My plan was to become regulars. Shane enjoying himself makes that easier!

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