Wednesday, May 8, 2013


::BLACK SCREEN, voice over starts to sound::

Today's broadcast of Mike's Blog, is being temporarily interrupted, to give you.....

Carrie's Memories!

::camera fades in, Carrie is standing in the living room of an old manor house, leaning against the fireplace::

"Thank you, you're so kind... I'm so glad to be here tonight! You know.. it's not often when I take over my husband's blog. In fact, I think it's been over a year since I've done so. But when I do, I always try to make my segments funny, memorable and sometimes (though inadvertently) informative!"

::Sits in posh high back arm chair, making herself comfortable while she holds a book in her hands. A cat decides to jump up in Carrie's lap, making herself at home and she snuggles up::

"I have been at my current job for going on four years now. It's been a noteworthy and eventful four years to say the least. But I find myself now starting a new chapter in my professional journey, which means that I must move on. Now that the reality is settling in, I can't help but think back on some of the moments that made my time with Virginia State Parks so memorable."

::Carrie opens the book and thumbs to a specific page. Once she's found her spot, her hand rests on the cat's head giving her an affectionate rub. The cat responds in kind with the sound of approving purrs::

"June, 2010. This time of year was nearing the end of my first preparation for the start of the Youth Conservation Corps. I was given the arduous task of reviewing all the old documents, changing forms, elaborating, changing and creating policies. All very daunting work that required a keen eye and more than my fair share of patience.

"Things seemed to have been going well. I was learning all the ins and outs of the administrative piece of the program. We were a week out from the start of the Supervisor Training that was going to be held at Bear Creek Lake State Park. This meant we were making sure everything that needed to be packed and ready to go was checked and accounted for. The last piece of the equipment boxes that we packed and organized was a simple sheet of card stock paper. The card stock had an equipment check off list on it, for supervisors to check to make sure they received everything they needed, as well as make an inventory of anything extra they may have.

"This piece of card stock had been reproduced in the hundreds... it was the same list that had been used for at least the past 5 years, sitting in a box that had been in the YCC storage shed. Only seeing the light of day once a year when it was time to prepare the boxes.

"I knew what needed to be packed. I knew what the Supervisors needed. Heck, I WAS a Supervisor for more than three programs. This was second nature for me. I had this very same sheet in MY boxes three times already. What could possibly be wrong with it?

::Carrie smiles and looks at a picture on the fireplace mantle. It's an old picture of herself posing with her first crew at Sky Meadows State Park. She gives a slight chuckle and then looks back into the camera::

"I'm honestly not sure, to this day, what propelled me to review this sheet. But I started reading it thoroughly.   Just before I was about to put the first sheet into the first box, lined up and waiting, a typo caught my eye. Now normally I wouldn't care too much if it was missing a period here, or an apostrophe there... but all the punctuation was correct. The error I found was a simple misspelling of one word. Not the end of the world, right?

::Carrie closes the book and places it on the nearby end table. Keeping the cat close she gently stands up, holding the cat in the crook of her arm, then transplanting her back on the chair seat. Carrie then walks over to the mantle and turns to face the camera, smirking::

"List of items to be packed:

Eye Protection
Ear Protection
First Aid Kits
Crewmember Journal
Crewmember Manual
Water Bottles
Head Bands
Back Packs
Forms Binder
Health Forms Binder
Crewmember Shirts "

::Carrie's smirk turned into a full grin and the camera pulls in on her face...::

"The word 'shirts'.....was missing the 'r'. And that, my dears... is the rest of the story..."


1 comment:

  1. TL;DR version: For years the state has published hundreds of cards telling crewmembers to wear their shit!
