Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shane's Data Review

Friday, I had to sneak out of work a little early for a data review meeting with the county. The results of the testing they did on Shane are compiled and it's custom to review the data with parents prior to eligibility meetings.

The bottom line: there is a 99.9% chance that Shane will not be found eligible for special services through the county.

The people were very professional and helpful, but the message I read between the lines was "Your son is doing well; He's not perfect because no child is, but we don't see anything we'd call a disability. Here's more info and contact us again if there's a change."

Shane has made a lot of progress since the doctor dropped the "your child needs to be evaluated" bomb on us last summer and he had tubes inserted. Shane's expressive and receptive language skills were at the top end of the average spectrum (75-80th percentiles) and they said it was typical to find half of what a two-year old says unintelligible. There are certainly times I don't understand a word coming out of my son's mouth, but he does get the point across more often than not.

The bad news is: this means no free preschool.

The good news is: Shane's development is back on track and we still get support through Child Find until Shane turns three in December.

I'd say the good far outweighs the bad! I'm glad that I got to experience what many of the parents of my students have gone through. I remember the initial shock and sadness of "your son needs help" and what it felt like to be on the other side of the table without the cliff notes.

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