Saturday, May 11, 2013


I caved and supported a Kickstarter campaign.

The idea of crowd-funding always intrigued me, and this campaign managed to hit several of my nerd and nostalgia buttons all at once. 

I remember loving Robotech back when I was five. It was my gateway to animation, science-fiction, robots, and role-playing games. 

Yes, role-playing games. 

Palladium books made a Robotech RPG that I saw a book for when I was in sixth grade. I bought it out of sheer "THAT'S ROBOTECH!!!!" I remember Bill and I played it after hours at church camp at Camp Highroad the summer after 6th grade.

So...yeah. I decided to throw in some cash to support a game that I don't know how much time I will ever have for. A part of me is kicking myself, but I figure if I call off Christmas it will even out. The game would ship around then anyway!

It would be fun if Shane were to show an interest when he's older, but I'm not going to push it. Shane will be Shane. I want to encourage him to be the best he can be, but I'm not going to be one of 'those' parents who assumes that their children are going to like everything they like. 

It would be super cool to play something like this with my son, though...

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