Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend: Saturday

It was a super busy Saturday!

The day started with Daddy's usual Throw-the-Boy-in-the-Car-and-Go-Somewhere tactic! We got groceries, my cat meds, and we stopped by the local library to get a library card. The kids area had some cool toys for Shane to play with.

I was incredibly bummed to find the bagel shop had closed. I've gone without for too long and I wanted my bread fix!

After nap time, we went to Nana and Pop's for Cole's first birthday! Kathleen and Stu's friends descended for pizza and fun! Shane joined several kids for trampoline mayhem. Later, he enjoyed perusing through Cole's gifts and Nana's toys. Shane didn't quite get 'Cole's toys' vs 'HIS toys,' but Nana has enough shiny objects both boys enjoyed each other's company! I'd love to throw up some pics, but I don't have any. If Kathleen puts some up on Facebook I may swipe some of those. Cole looks very dignified in his glasses (or as I told Stu, "He looks too academic for NASCAR.") I'm praying that Stu lands a job nearby, so that the boys can grow up together. Hopefully, my son won't be the one getting Cole into trouble, though....

Our final stop of the day was at my friend Igor's. He and his wife threw a BBQ! I really don't see all my old friends enough. Shane was shy at first, but Carrie had him running up to John and everyone soon enough. Shane didn't pick up on the 'G' in Igor's name at first. I laughed every time he called him "Eyore!" I tried to get Shane to present his poopy diaper bag to someone and say "I made this for you!," but he was too distracted by all the new sights, sounds, and people.

Another little boy, Carson, showed up at the party later. He was shyer than Shane! Whereas Shane eventually started running in circles and shouting numbers, Carson clung to his mother. I drew him out after an hour or so. He and Shane traded cars and sat to watch Fraggle Rock together in the basement. There was a cute scene where Shane and Carson locked eyes. Shane crept up to him slowly. Carson looked up at his mom and then looked back at Shane. Shane cautiously reached out a hand and plucked a toy fire truck out of Carson's shirt pocket! It worked out fine, because Carson got to play with Shane's 50 cent batmobile we nabbed at a garage sale that morning!

Once again, I have no pics. I may have to upgrade to a fancy phone one of these days, so I don't miss out on so many photogenic moments!

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