Friday, August 9, 2013

Hit It!

Shane was terrified the first time I showed him a hand dryer. He hid behind me and said "NO, DADDY NO! I NOT!"

Now, they're the highlight of any trip to a public restroom.

Shane and I "wash our hands" every Subway Tuesday.

Shane loves to smack the on button and to run back and forth underneath the hand dryer chortling the whole time.

I took a 5 minute video on my phone of Shane running and laughing in the bathroom last week. That's the sort of thing you do as a parent: you stand in a public bathroom for over 5 minutes while your kid hogs the hand dryer.

The video disappeared before I could upload it, so I'll probably find myself standing in the bathroom for an awkward amount of time next Tuesday to try again! What can I say? I love watching my boy laugh and bounce around!

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