Sunday, August 18, 2013


The older I get, the more I realize things never happen in isolation. There are always other 'plot lines' running.

Wednesday, I volunteered to take Shane to my parents house to make Carrie's morning a little easier. I dropped him off, and then scooted over to class. There was no reception, so I didn't get Carrie's message until an hour in.

The Volvo died.


It's happened at least five times now. A jump start fixed it, but no one can figure out what's causing the random dead car syndrome.

We took it to a dealership in Richmond on our way back from our Christmas Vacation and got lots of head scratching. We took it to a shop specializing in European cars up here and they didn't see anything wrong. We took it to ANOTHER dealership near Carrie's work and they proclaimed the batter to be old. Everything was covered under the warranty, thankfully. They swapped in the new battery, declared her "HEALED!" and we're back at square one again.

Carrie took the car in for more mechanic head-scratching. The error was coded "un-reproducible." There's probably a warning light or a sensor somewhere not turning off, a loose wire grounding itself somewhere, or some other seemingly minor issue that's causing the hiccup.

For now, the car works fine. I went outside and tried starting the car a couple of minutes ago to make sure there were no surprises in the morning.

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