Saturday, August 17, 2013

It Broke

Carrie broke her foot again. Same one as last time.

Thursday night, Carrie said, "My foot hurts."

An hour or two later, "I think it's swelling."

The next morning, she got an x-ray and a surgical boot (in that order). Stress fracture. My wife is going to be stomping around with one black boot for the next couple of months.

It made for a hilarious trip to Harris Teeter, though!

I coaxed Carrie into sitting on Shane's favorite cart with him! Aren't they cute together?

I got a big kick out of carting Carrie and Shane around. The cart was so long I pretended it was a boat. I broke out all my nautical terms. "Full speed ahead!" "Bringing over to starboard!" "Dropping anchor in dairy!"

Carrie was a good sport with all the wisecracks. I think she was half-annoyed and half-amused by my laughing. I won't know for sure until I ask her to hop in again! I'm thinking it would be fun to pretend to be a race car....

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