Sunday, September 20, 2015

Kim and Ryan's New Locale

Shane and I drove 80 miles to visit Kim and Ryan's new house. They moved into their new house at the end of August. Now, they're closer, but in a different direction. Ryan started a new job as a band director.

According to Shane, there were two highlights:

1) The fuzzy toilets,

and 2) the riding lawn mower.

Honorable mention: The cat door and litter system in progress (I scared Shane when I grabbed his arm on the other side!).

But the fuzzy toilets...

...and the riding lawn mower were definitely the main attractions.

Mostly the mower. Uncle Ryan drove Shane up, down, and all around. Then he let Shane steer (Brave man).

Aunt Kim took Shane for a spin, too.

We spent a good portion of our day outside. At least two rabbits had to run for cover.

When we retreated inside, Shane played with the kitties, Buster and Berry, and watched some Little Einsteins (Ryan had to turn off his House Hunters!).

Shane and I said farewell at nap time. We had a birthday party to attend at three. Shane snoozed the whole way back!

It was a good day to go and visit. We could have stayed home and watched cartoons, but I want Shane to grow up with a "People first" and "Family matters" mentality.

Besides, driving a riding mower is way cooler than TV!!!

(At least, when you're four. Teenagers who have to mow may say otherwise.)

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool! Ryan and Kim's house and yard look beautiful! Is that playground set in their yard? Where are they living? I'm glad they are closer to you. It's important for Shane to have relatives that he visits. That was great that Shane napped the whole way back so he was refreshed for his friend's birthday party. Sounds like a very fun day! Thanks for posting. Dad and I loved reading it.
