Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Vacation: Christmas Eve

Fireworks next to fingernail polish? Grocery stores are different in SC.

Shane and Cole were building Legos with Pop by the time Carrie and I made our way over to the house.

Kathleen, Stu, and Jama were on breakfast.

I got a quick picture of Evelyn.

She's still shy.

Looking at Matt makes her cry!

The boys broke out belly bumpers. Stu blew one up solo (without passing out). Pop and I thought it was too much work and used a portable air pump from the van (it probably took us twice as long as Stu).

Twas something of a mismatch.

There was still time for Carrie's favorite: Snuggling and TV.

I started a war.

Carrie took it to the next level.

I bet the boys remember that one.

Pop engineered the next memory. He wanted something burned into memory.

Everyone split up to rest and nap afterward. This picture was not Carrie approved, but it's all I got from church.

We went to what we thought would be a children's service. It wasn't. It was a more traditional Methodist service with candle-lighting and minimal seating. Kids sat in laps. I thought the boys did very well for their age and Shane's energy level. Carrie's nerves were shot.

We returned to Nana and Pop's to play the night away.

Random memory from earlier: I made Evelyn cry by putting my hands on her side. I thought about using her as a cuteness shield while Carrie shot Nerf darts my way. I moved slow and gentle, because I wasn't sure if she'd let me. Sure enough, the moment I touched her, she sat down, and wailed.

I can make eye contact without her wailing, at least. That beats Matt.

It was our last opportunity to see Cole and crew before they drove to Maryland. Christmas' with families are awesome, but difficult when split across state lines.

The day ended on a much quieter note.

Christmas morning was around the corner!

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