Sunday, December 11, 2016

Savvy Party Planning

Due to an emergency, Carrie found herself suddenly promoted to 'party planner' Saturday night.

Or maybe it was more 'party executor.' The party was John McM's baby. He had everything ordered, planned, and delivered up to the actual running of the party. Look at the cupcakes!

The company party was held at the art park next to our house. It made for an easy commute.

I made sure to sample ALL the food while I helped. The black bean and cheddar dip was amazing.

People started to arrive fashionably late

John stayed for the first part, but then had to leave. It was Carrie and I's project from then on out.

Mostly that meant eating and socializing. Carrie prefers to remain off to the side with a project if possible. Which was exactly what was needed. There were some end of year awards to project, and the owner wanted to place a live call to some affiliates in California to include them in the festivities. 

Carrie was coronated a queen and wished to live long and prosper.

She immediately returned the favor.

Party success! Large social gatherings are much more my thing than Carrie's, but we both had a good time! I got to be a spotlight at one point.

Happy Holidays from Savvy!

Side note: Art can be weird. A psychedelic guy patrolled the men's room.


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