Friday, December 30, 2016

Strung Out for a Visit

Shane is one of the neediest kids. I can't ignore him for 5 minutes without him saying, "Daddy, won't you play with me?" 

However, there are three magical times he will play on his own: Right before a poop, "You need to clean this up," and "It's almost time to go."

Today, I said, "It's almost time to go see Uncle Patrick."

You know what? I let it happen. It was creative. He was entertained. I got to drink coffee and read. All things I can live with (Bonus: the cats were enthralled).

Eventually, we drove up the mountain. We got to see our first flurries of the season!

We went out to lunch and Shane got electronics for 'dessert.'

Shane tried to argue electronics weren't 'dessert,' but jeopardized his case by almost eating the remote.

Shelby wanted to take a nap before work, so Patrick, Shane, and I walked around downtown.

Wind. I didn't factor in wind and wind chill. We took refuge in a local coffee shop, read books, and played on phones.

Now, there is an epic side story. The last time we visited, we spotted a party type game made by a local. Group consensus: "Nope."

Weeks later, someone Patrick and I knew posted a video on Facebook. I didn't watch it, but I immediately recognized the game, laughed, and took a screenshot. I texted it Patrick's way to share the mirth.

THE NEXT DAY, Patrick texted me back. "I delivered thai food to the creators and they gave me a copy."

Shelby refused to let him open it until Shane arrived!

HAHAHA! I love it!

Maybe I'll try and inflict the game on Nana the next time she visits. I bet that'd be hilarious. It's the perfect kind of game to do that with, too (It may even convert me to a believer). In the meantime, I know what I'll grab if I ever want to make a zombie or reaver costume.

We finished the day with some Go Fish and Hearthstone. Another vacation day well spent!

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