Monday, January 16, 2017

Play Day!

No school = play day

We met Dylan and Eli at the Discovery museum.

The boys started off together, but eventually wandered off on their own before reuniting.

I wish Shane moved on from the wall a little sooner.

I'm not a germ-o-phobe, but I made Shane stop at a hand-sanitizer station. Then, I washed my own hands!

The boys did a really good job of playing with each other. Tempers can run short, but everyone was on the same team today.

Eli did his own thing.

We went out for pizza to keep up energy and patience levels.

Then Krista treated the boys to dessert.

Sugar is a powerful force.

I wonder if my students would be that focused if I had a see-through vault of treats.

After a short break, we rendezvoused at Dylan and Eli's. The older boys attached themselves to a tablet.

But bubbles broke the spell.

For a little, at least.

Alexa was another big hit. It was John's Christmas present to himself. Dylan kept requesting the Star Wars Theme. Shane got the Pokemon theme in there once.

I count electronics as social time when friends are involved.

The boys got rough with some wrestling.

It was all fun and I didn't mind until Shane stood up and launched a full kick. He got a time out and apologized. Wrestling's fine, but we don't hit.

Krista and I herded the boys out for some yard time. The boys were showing some signs of friend fatigue, but they had spent hours and hours together.

I counted it as a win, and we said our goodbyes. Shane and I got home in time to have dinner with Mommy. She may have driven Shane to a Pokestop to wander around with her later. I will neither confirm or deny my wife's Poke-addiction.

Shane's words: "This is the best day ever!"

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