Saturday, January 7, 2017

Saturday Snow

We woke up to snow! Shane woke up singing at 6:40 AM. On school days, I have to shake him awake by 7:05 AM to catch the bus. We snuck downstairs to check out the snow and let Mommy sleep.

We tried to stay quiet. By 'we,' I mean 'me.' Shane nearly drove me out of my mind. I threw him outside as quick as I could. He was excited.

Note: This is the first and last time you will see Carrie outside today.

I shoveled at first, but Shane and I set off on an adventure soon thereafter.

We were the first people to sled the big hill.

We spent over an hour before we came back in. Carrie used the waffle iron to make grilled cheeses (She'd already used it for waffles earlier).

We went out again around 1:00 PM. This time, Silas and Zora joined the fun.

Shane had no interest in sledding with me from this point onward.

Zora chased us all over. Silas and I tried to catch her in the snow for a while. We tried to use Shane as a moving wall to herd her, but it was impossible. The snow didn't slow her a step and she could turn on a dime.

We did get to see another family come out for a little bit. We shared our sleds, but they went in after a handful of runs.

That evening, we went out one more time with Silas, Zora, and now Monica. Can you guess who Shane wanted to sled with now?

Shane really wanted to get in on this action a little later.

He wasn't fond of the definition for "max capacity." He does a great job cheering, though.

We didn't try to drive anywhere all day. I saw a couple of cars fail to ascend the hill by our street. Our neighbors SUV handled it without issue, though, so 4x4 in the truck would have worked in a pinch.

We played in the snow, watched TV, and Carrie cooked. There's not much else I hope for from a snow day!

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