Thursday, March 30, 2017

A He Amongst the Shes?

Carrie heard a crow Wednesday morning. She ran out to identify the perpetrator, but to no avail.

Pidge has been looking rather proud of herself. Her tail feathers are erect, but all of the other girls hold theirs down.

Could she be a he? Or is something else at play?

The chicks have almost doubled in size since I last posted pictures. It's only been a week.

I don't think they're going to fit under the mother hens' wings much longer.

This made Carrie's day after a stressful day at work.

Carrie decided to rotate the moms and chicks to the outside run. The chicks didn't want to go!

But they were all happy enough when reunited. 

The broody silkies were a breeze to move.

They didn't even poke their heads out when the mother-ship landed.

Carrie tried to re-integrate the hybrids and the silkies, but Keith got aggressive.  

She ended up dropping the silkies in the chick pen (They aren't moving much anyway).

That should give some time for the chicken drama to settle. 


Pidge, unfortunately, is looking more and more masculine. She's/he's crowing more, too. We've already contacted the barn of origin.

Random: A juvenile hawk seemed interested as Pidge strutted around the yard. Shane helped me "guard" her/him.

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