Thursday, March 16, 2017


I started Shane on Lord of the Rings the other night. I'm not convinced he's old enough for it, but it starts with Bilbo and is a fun reminisce for me.

With Daddy abridging, our bedtime stories went like so:

Night 1: Bilbo's going to have a party for him and Frodo. Oh, look! Gandalf and fireworks!

Night 2: The party! Poof! Where'd he go?

Night 3: Why's it so hard to put this thing down?

Shane did a much better job than I expected when I paused for some think-a-louds. He had a pretty good memory for The Hobbit!

My plan is to read at least until Gandalf reveals the nature of the ring. Maybe we'll get to the Black Riders, but it's more likely we'll look at The Hobbit again or pick up another book. LOTR is probably too expansive for Shane at this age. If he's interested and seems to understand the basic action, I'll continue. If not, we'll read a book he chooses. Either way, I look forward to reading it with him eventually and then showing him the movies!

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