Sunday, March 5, 2017

Out and About Outdoors

Winter made an attempt to return this weekend. We spent a lot of time outdoors anyway.

Carrie trailered Mira south to the barn she'll foal out at.

Shane and I helped inspect the trailer.

He climbs everything.

We went on a walk when we got home.

There were no pokemon, but Shane was fascinated by some minnows (I don't think they were tadpoles - too early and cold).

There weren't any kids at the playground, so Shane turned stepping from rock to rock into his own game.

Note: I told him to watch out for glass. I'll try and remember to bring a bag with me at some point.

Shane made it all the way down the creek to where the trail crosses over without falling in! Once upon a time, I would have never allowed him to try it. His ability and my confidence in him have increased since.

We saw some ducks on our way back.

Mallards - which I will forever know as Nana's favorite. She used to have a pair of wooden ones while I was growing up.

My childhood bro, Bill, called while Shane were walking. It's been forever. We talked for a long time while Shane threw sticks, peed on a tree, and talked to himself. 

I had to hang up eventually, because of this downed tree.

Shane wanted to sit on it.

It's easier to spot with both hands and no side conversation.

Not that I blamed Shane. Who do you think walked out over the water and inspired him to climb up?

If he was older we could have each had a stick and gone pugil. Carrie would not have approved (Note to self: Show Shane American Gladiators).

I got Shane home, fed, and cleaned up for the tee-ball meeting afterward. He ended up dirty all over again, but we went with it and tried to stay out of the house. We bumped into one of his afterschool (and soon to be tee-ball) friends at the library. 

Then, Henry and his dad were outside when we got home.

We stayed outside until the sun slipped away and took that last, small bit of warmth with it. 

Sunday began with church and errands, but we went on a trail walk with Dylan and Eli's family in the afternoon.

It was a shortcut to their neighborhood park.

John and Eli went down to the creek.

The boys, Krista, and I followed a short while later. Dylan led the way.

The boys threw rocks with splashing results. Dylan and Shane started to build a rock bridge/dam. Dylan stayed interested, but Shane's attention strayed to minnow hunting.

I included both of these pictures, because I couldn't pick which one I liked best.

Meanwhile, Carrie chicken-eered.

The chickens (and Carrie) enjoyed their new free range pen in the sun.

It's not safe to stay out overnight in, but Carrie picked a spot that gets a lot of morning sun.

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