Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Pearly Whites

Shane and I went to the dentist today. He got out of school a little early.

Another shark tooth needed attention. I gave Shane an ultimatum: "Pull out the tooth by Tuesday, or the dentist gets it."

Carrie and I wiggled it more than Shane did. He complained every time we did, too. He said it hurt, he didn't want us to, etc. etc.

He started to regret his choice on the ride over. "Will it hurt?" "Will they use that disgusting tasting stuff?" "Do I have to?" "Can't I just have yellow teeth like ______?"

I did my best to assuage his fears while being honest. "They give you medicine so it won't hurt." "Yes, it tastes bad but it makes it not hurt. Do you want it to hurt?" "Yes." "No. _____ is old."

Last time, it went well. This time, Shane psyched himself out. He kicked one of the aides near her eye!

They went with the full body block after that.

(In Shane's defense, it really wasn't much of a kick. It was more of an attempt to squirm away down the chair with his feet up. I was mortified, though.)

After the initial panic, Shane calmed down and the extraction went off without a hitch.

There really was not much of a root left. I wonder if that means the tooth could have come out on it's own after all (I read that the root doesn't always dissolve when the adult tooth pops up behind the baby one).

That should equate to a quicker heal time, at least. Shane was happy and trying to watch Toy Story 3 immediately afterwards. He didn't want to leave.

We went to my allergist's next. I'm almost caught up on my shots. I would have let Shane use my phone, but I wasn't about to after he kicked someone (accidental, in a panic, or otherwise). He had to read instead. I kept my phone pocketed and didn't use it myself to be a good role model (He still complained, but at least he couldn't say it was unfair I had it).

That night, Carrie went to work wiggling a different loose tooth. She got it.

Shane's grin is ten different shades of goofy now! We put both teeth under the pillow.

Shane got three dollars instead of two. The tooth fairy pays extra for quantity!

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