Sunday, March 19, 2017

Dylan's 6th Bday

Happy birthday, Dylan! His parents threw a party at Duck Donuts.

It wasn't a typical party venue, but donuts.

Kids (and adults) like donuts.

There were a fair amount of kids there,... it was a good thing there were a lot of donuts!

I'd never heard the term "a bucket of donuts" before (It's real).

John helped the kids with the chocolate icing. I picked up the strawberry. He was much more popular.

Krista planned activities.

Honestly, it was a lot calmer than I expected. Once the donuts came out, the kids sat and ate.

Everyone got excited for presents, though.

After presents, we went outside for an art project on the green.

Yes, it was as cold as it looked.

The art project was a hit. It gave the other adults time to clean up inside. The only one who wasn't interested was Eli, but there was a lot of (semi-frozen) green to run around on.

After church and a rest break, we met up with Dylan at his house. He wanted to show off his new presents!

Don't Break the Ice was a hit until Dylan lost a round. Shane's similar, so I had hoped that they would take turns winning by luck of the draw. I couldn't predict wet tissue paper well enough.

There were some struggles, but we ended up happy and entertained. We stayed a lot longer than I expected (but in a good way).

I ended up playing Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for a long while.

Not to sound conceited, but I was amazed at how much I remembered. It's funny how the brain can latch on to certain things and not others (like my college work). I put the knowledge to use entertaining the boys.

(" don't have the Master Sword yet. Otherwise you could shoot at full health. We need to grab all the pendants. It looks like you're missing the one here. Do you have a hookshot yet? Ther'es a bridge up there you need to cross. Wait, no that's after we face off against the sorcerer. Oh yeah...I remember! This is where we have to use the magic mirror because the terrain is different between worlds. The boss should be this long slug guy you have to hit the tip of the tail of as he runs around. He gets faster after each hit....Why are you all looking at me?")

John, on the other hand, was the Mario expect. I remembered there were warps, but I wouldn't have been able to find the second one to skip to the end level without looking it up.

Fun times. Almost makes me want a Wii.

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