Thursday, March 9, 2017

Wait...That's not ours, is it?

It was. 

Carrie had a panicked, "I MUST PROTECT MY CHICKENS!" moment this morning. I left for work first, or I may have helped avert it. As it was, I found myself jaw agape and unloading.

What's done is done. I did not want a giant chicken coop and run, but there it lay.

Maybe the guy who built it was praying hard for business. Carrie provided it. No sense in sweating it now. It will give us (aka Carrie) a way to rotate chickens around. We'll need to lay mesh around the perimeter, so the fox cannot dig in, though.

Shane was excited.

He had lots of questions.

Nova's cat, Lester, enjoyed everyone being outside.

Carrie's an A1 cat-sitter.

Meanwhile, Keith seems a little better. She sits while the others walk, but she'll occasionally stand and move around.

Carrie took another peek to look for injuries. There was a bump on Keith's back, but all Carrie could see was feathers.

Still waiting to see how it pans out for Keith.

Meanwhile, our non-mother silkies are back in production mode.

Carrie keeps redesigning the kid's coop, but the latest design seems effective. They'll be relocated under the porch once the new coop and run is fully protected.

I've posted a lot of chicken stories lately, haven't I? Are they taking over my house and my blog, too!?

1 comment:

  1. I'm eager to see the new chicken facilities and new chickens! I'm so glad you and Carrie are working hard to keep the fox away from them. Poor little Keith! I sure hope she recovers well. I certainly understand Carrie being traumatized by seeing Keith in the fox's mouth. Do you remember wgen you were about 19 and I took you older kids to New York while Dad stayed home with Patrick and Matt? We rode to New York on an Amtrak train and stayed at Embassy Suites in the financial area. We caught lice in the hotel or own the train, but didnt realize it until the lice had multiplied and we were back home. I went to the doctor to see why my head qas itching so badly. He diagnosed lice and explained what they were. I treated me and you older kids, plus the house, only to find out 2 months later that I was reinfected, because Matt and Patrick had caught it from us. We must have sent poor little Sergey back to Belarus with it, plus your brothers must have infected the dorms at GMU where they went to computer camp. I was so traumatized that I bought several hundred dollars worth of lice treatment medicine and supplies at the store. I just about wiped them out. Dad didn't get mad, because he knew how panicked I was. Later we donated the excess to the health department. I had nightmares for years about lice.
