Saturday, March 11, 2017

Monopoly Jr with Family

Saturday, Shane and I went to Staunton to celebrate Patrick's birthday! Carrie was working at a wine expo (that's another story).

Shane insisted on bringing Monopoly Jr. He wanted to teach Patrick how to play. 

Shane won! That said, everyone else may have been trying to throw the game so that it would end sooner...... "May have."

For a birthday lunch, we went to a Thai restaurant Patrick used to do deliveries for. Shane wanted a grilled cheese, but he got chicken satay instead.

Patrick sold him on it! Shane wants to go back again!

I brought some toys to help entertain Shane, but there was no age requirement. We received some preferential treatment, because the owners liked Patrick and even tried to re-recruit him. They gave Shane an Angry Bird toy and then swapped it out for a Pikachu later. They'd just returned from a trip to Thailand!

Staunton is a really pretty town. I love the hills and character. If it was bigger and had more kids, I could see living on a street like the one Patrick and Shelby are on. Shane and I walked the block to help our food settle (True story - we took pre-meal laps around the restaurant to help him sit. We balance beam walked around a garden and jumped from concrete parking space stopper to stopper).

That stink stayed awake the whole way home until 5 minutes out. I detoured to a gas station and he slept through the refill, too.

When Shane awoke, he asked if we could see Patrick again next Saturday.

Bonus joke:

North Dakota license plate.

Carrie loves it when I bring up North Dakota!

Pikachu update:

Shane and Pikachu were inseparable the rest of the day.

We took Pikachu to the park and introduced him to the chickens.

I still prefer robots, spaceships, swords and heroes over electric rats.

1 comment:

  1. You can't conceive how much we enjoy your blogs. Thank you! They really have lifted my spirits as I am recovering from the flu.
