Monday, May 15, 2017

Baseball Day

Three rainouts later, we were back in a game!

Shane's hitting and fielding better.

He had no trouble smacking the ball all three at-bats and even got a couple of outs (a tag out between 2nd and 3rd and a force out at 2nd).


His one failing: Whining.

When Shane learned he was supposed to play shortstop: "I HATE shortstop! I don't want to!"

When Shane learned he was supposed to play outfield: "I HATE outfield! I never get to play catcher!"

When Shane learned he was supposed to play 1st base: "I HATE first base!"

Me: "The first game you complained you never got to play first base. Now you get the chance and you hate it?"

Shane normally got with the program after I shut the whine down. The game went long (an hour and fifteen minutes) and the team did really well all things considered. The kids stayed closer to their positions and got a few outs. After the other team got a few tag outs, we coaches had a discussion on whether or not we should train the kids to try and play "tag" instead of always yelling to throw it to the nearest base (with sometimes laughable results).

We ended with snack, as always. The kids had worked up an appetite!

Still waiting to hear back about some rain makeups. Three nights a week may be a bit much for Shane's attention span, but if the weather is as beautiful as it was tonight it could be doable!

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