Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Weekly Activities

Four days, four activities scheduled.

Monday - TKD
Tuesday - Baseball game
Wednesday - Make-up baseball game
Thursday - Swim lesson

The week started off on track. 

Shane and I practiced his form a little, but I didn't realize he was supposed to use a back stance for part of it. Instructor Kang showed him the basics, but ended the form practice early since Shane had some trouble. I went over a back stance with him later at home (it helps that I used to do TKD).

Shane won a race and got to challenge Instructor Papa at the end of class.

IP went easy on him.

Random aside: Another parent and I worked on fixing the door during class. The screw holes were stripped, so it was just a temporary fix until they shot out again.

Then, as has repeatedly happened, it rained and stormed both nights we had tee-ball games. We've had five rain-outs this season. 

It let us spend time with Mommy. We went out for dinner Tuesday to celebrate her being home. TV was watched (Hooray for Green Days!).

Teeball has a couple more weeks of activity (and rain make-ups) and then it will be done for the season.

Thursday, the weather cleared up and Shane went to his final swim lesson.

It's probably a good thing today was the last one. There were a couple of extra kids who missed their lesson on Tuesday (Thanks, storms) and the group was a hyper one. The instructor, Michael, had to keep telling kids to stop swimming around, splashing, jumping, and what have you. Shane contributed. At one point, I went in to tell him to listen to his instructor and Shane kept ducking his head under the water as I talked ("I didn't know you were talking to me!" "Who else would I call 'Shane?"). We had a few words at the end.

Shane's come a long way, but he's gotten too comfortable. A step away and some time to mature should help refresh his attention when we start again either after summer or next spring.

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