Saturday, May 20, 2017

Minor Family Reunion

There was a Moffat family reunion on Saturday and we were invited. Couples came from Pennsylvania, New York, Montana, and Kansas. Grandma and Carrie made homemade ice cream (Avocado, French toast, some sort of sorbet, and Mexican Chocolate gelatto). 

Eating and conversation ensued.

There wasn't a shy one in the bunch. Name tags would have been helpful!

Shane as the only kid. He got a lot of attention, because of it.

He put his foot in his mouth several times, but he's young, cute, and honestly curious so he got away with it. Shane patted one the husband's stomach and said, "You must like food," and told the wife, "I'm almost as tall as you" (This was the PA couple and they were awesome....even if they were Steelers fans). At another point, Shane asked about someone's eczema ("Why's your skin like that?") and was told "It's genetic." I chipped in, "It's like how your dad farts when he drinks milk. It's just the way it is."

By and large, Shane did an amazing job of chatting, playing, and not being too wild. Grandpa peeled off from the crowd to show Shane some videos of his cousin, Noah, learning to swim.

Don't be surprised: I brought board games. I figured a party game or two would be great fun if people needed an activity (and I love games).

Shane did his best to recruit.

He talked David and Cassandra into playing King of Tokyo.

David took out his wife, and Carrie took out Shane. When the rumbled ended, Carrie was the undisputed Queen of Tokyo.

It was Grandma's house, so Shane got some iPad time....

...and some train time later. Carrie actually napped on the floor beside the tracks.

David turned out to be a weather-phile and discussed tornadoes and fronts at length with Shane, too.

There were a pair of visitors in the yard when I started to load the board games back up.

A baby bunny...

...and a doe.

They didn't run while I ferried games, so I brought Shane out to see them.

Shane brought out Grandpa and Carrie.

When the deer wandered off, I let Shane look for the baby bunny's home.

He never found it. I'm sure he would have loved to have crawled throughout the bushes if I allowed it.

It's too bad there weren't any kids, but the reunion was still a good time. Shane must have had plenty of fun because he fell asleep on the way home (about fifteen minutes out).

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