Monday, May 8, 2017

Tough Monday at School

Shane came home with a red circle on his behavior log. When I asked what happened, he said, "I don't remember!"

The assistant teacher replied, "Oh? You don't remember when you got three warnings from talking over the teacher and had to get sent out?"

Suddenly, Shane remembered.

Sounded like my kid.

I told Shane we'd talk when we got home. I didn't let him go outside to play with anyone and he had to entertain himself mainly. I wasn't about to play Pokemon cards with someone who couldn't respect others. 

It turned out to be a good opportunity for a haircut.

Shane's ready for summer.

I found a tick on Shane's back, too. It's in the freezer for the next week or so.

If Shane didn't have baseball, he would have been stuck inside all night and probably gotten himself into more trouble for driving me crazy. I don't like him to get in trouble, but I'm always thankful when it happens on an activity day!

Shane was plenty hyper and led the kids in chasing after geese flying over the field. He talked over the coach a few times and I was able to say, "This is what you need to work on!"

I let Shane know anything less than a green Tuesday would mean no outside and no friends. I told him it's not to be mean, but to teach him to control himself so he can be a good friend and a good student.

Maybe the calmer haircut will help.

1 comment:

  1. Nice haircut! He looks so handsome. It will be a lot cooler for the hot summer heat, too.
