Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Using his head

Board breaking day. 

Shane asked to do a headbutt.

I think the instructor got a kick out of it.

No, I KNOW he got a kick out of it! Shane earned a green stripe for breaking technique!

It was a great class, except Shane got himself in trouble with me. When he got up, he told the instructor he needed a RED board. I shook my head and told Shane not to ask for more than he had.

Last month, I told Shane, "No. When you're a higher belt." I didn't want to buy a new $25 board. I thought that was the end of it, but he told his instructor at the end of class he needed a red board again.

I don't know if the teacher thought Shane and I had talked about it, or if he wanted to make a sale, but he was a-okay with it. I didn't want to scold Shane right then and there. He had a good practice and a green day at school. I, also, didn't want to come off as disrespectful to his teacher when I thought he'd done a great job with Shane in class. "I'm not sure you're strong enough to break the red one, yet."

That didn't work. The teacher said, "Let's try!"

He pulled Shane into the middle while the next class was warming up. Wouldn't you know it? Shane broke it.

I went ahead and coughed up the $27 w/tax. We'd need the board eventually, but Shane and I had words after we left. I decided if Shane was going to be free with my money, he could help chip in. He learned he was going to cough up his tooth fairy money on the way home.

He cried.

He bawled.

He wanted me to take the board back!

Too bad.

"This is bittersweet. I know you didn't want to spend your money, but I didn't want to spend mine either! At least you know you're strong enough for the red board now!"

That didn't make him feel better at all.

I made him pay half ($13.50). I figured that was enough to drive the lesson home and show a little mercy. Shane felt a little better when I let him count out coins to exchange for some of his dollars back (and he got a math lesson!).

I'll try and remember to make a big deal when he breaks the red board next time.

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