Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Fall Soccer 2018 Season Start

Shane and I showed up for his first soccer practice today! It was 90 degrees out and humid.  

There were nine kids and one coach as I walked up, so I became an assistant coach to even the odds.

I recognized the coach and the coach's kids names from Shane's preschool. They threw an end of year bash years ago.

Almost all of the kids were from Burnley-Moran. I recognized a few other Jackson Via kids' names on the roster, but they weren't at practice. At least one, Zakir, is switching teams for a practice time that better fits his family (They did that last Fall, too).

Shane was forced to go up to U10. He's only 7.5, and won't turn 8 before the end of the season, so I was a little annoyed about it.

I'm hoping Shane will play up to the level of those around him. He's the second youngest kid on the team and not exactly a star.

U10 will include position play, a goalie, and keeping the score for real. I'm curious how Shane will handle it. He was quick to volunteer to play defensive, but he, also, threw a fit and showed really thin-skin when Hayden laughed at him for making a mistake. The coach made Hayden sit down and said, "We don't laugh at teammates," but that makes me wonder how Shane will handle situations in a real game.

Our first game will be September 15th.

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