Wednesday, August 22, 2018

First Day of 2nd Grade - 2018

We got Shane to smile for a first day of school picture.

And thankfully Carrie took it quick, because the smile didn't last.

I tried to be a good example (time time...).

Rah walked over to see us off. He rides a different bus for 5th grade with a pick up time 40 minutes later. However, he was up and out, so he hung out with us.

Carrie and I showed up at 5:15 PM to pick Shane up from CLASS and found him under a table.

If you thought Shane would be tired on his first day and ready to come home, you'd be wrong. He was embedded like a tick and didn't want to leave!

"I just started to play!"

We gave him a few minutes before forcing him to come home. I didn't help when I suggested Shane try different colored blocks to see if it made his 'top' change colors when it spun.

The first day may not have gone well in his actual class, though.

"You have to make a lot fewer mistakes in 2nd grade. Like, A LOT fewer," Shane said. "I made some too many. If I made too many more [the teacher] said she'd call home!"

He went into a tale about "finger dancing quietly on the desk" and some other things.  "All you do is FOCUS. All day you focus. Yeah."

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