Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Wrestling 2018-19

Last year, our mat rollers went missing. Mats are heavy. We had one mat roller that started to scratch the basketball court and had to go full manual labor. Parents had to help. It was a workout.

Imagine my surprise when I see a mat roller under the stage in the drama room. I snapped a picture and sent it to Coach W. "Isn't this ours!?"

"Snag it!!!!!" He replied.

"Mission accomplished," I texted back.

"PS - The office smells funky. Welcome back for another year," I finished.

Year four of my tenure begins. Preseason starts in three weeks. I'll start my 5th and 6th grade club in a month. There's a new assistant coach for the high school. That will mean it's less of a two-man shop and I'll be able to miss a day without fear of catastrophe (I had to run and cover multiple practices last year in addition to setting up and cleaning mats). The new assistant coach is much more accomplished than I ever was, so I hope to learn a few new tricks.

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