Saturday, August 11, 2018

Summer Goals Reflection

I posted my summer goals for 2018 here.

How I did:

1 - Burnout Recovery: Not a 100%. I'd like another month! I feel a lot better, but it's time to go back regardless. This may be my final year at my current positions before I start shopping around. A lot of that will depend on the year and who my new boss will be. Surprise - I don't have a boss yet! My current boss was too good at her job and got promoted. They offered the job to someone in July who didn't take the position. The ad went back up and as far as I know it is still unfilled. That leaves a lot up in the air.

UPDATE: I started to write this reflection earlier in the week. Since then (Friday early AM to be exact), I have a boss! She used to be the principal at the HS the first year I moved to Cville. Kind of odd for her to hop up to division administration in another county from a HS principal's chair and then hop back down to a program administrator, but maybe she's trying to get back to what she loves. I guess I'll find out Monday. She doesn't officially start until the 22nd, but she's coming in to meet us.

2 - Travel: Mission accomplished in spades. We drove all over. We went to VA beach, NOVA, Staunton, Richmond, SC, and ME. We spent a night in a hotel in CT and dropped by to see Bill and Jill in NJ.

3 - Stay connected: Lots of family time and visits with people this summer. It would be easier if people lived in Charlottesville! We got to put in face time with a ton of connections out of Cville, at least. Some of it's been online (GURPs), but most has been in person. I do have some connections around town, but either they've been on vacation, are on summer break like me, or there's some extenuating circumstances they're going through. Rah would have preferred if we were around town more, but we really weren't.

4 - Make new connections: Shane spent time with Sam when we could (about once every week and a half?). I meant to message more kids from his school to set up play dates, but we ended up on the road for much of the summer. Shane liked meeting Ken's kids in NOVA. We'll have to hook up with them for the monthly board game club John puts on when we make it. I've gone to the local board game meetup thrice. It's enough to recognize some faces and be recognized by a few, but not much more than that.

5 - Be grateful: I've really enjoyed this summer even with being tired from burnout. I wish it would hang around another month!

6 - Exercise: Nope. I've been active enough, but no focused exercise. I have a bike I meant to ride, but have not.

7 - PhD research: Nope. I have been thinking, though. I don't really want to go administration, but it's the only type of degree that could actually lead to a promotion. Maybe it's something I should try at some point down the line. If I took a pay raise as an assistant principal at an elementary school later in the career it could help the retirement funds.

8 - Be exciting: See number 5. I feel like it's been an active summer and I'm thrilled I've gotten to see as many people as I have. I'd still be happy if a few moved to town.

I'd say 6 out of 8 goals were accomplished this summer. It certainly wasn't a waste of time. If anything, I want more of it!

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