Thursday, September 6, 2018

Board Games vs Pokemon

I think I've been to the Thursday night board game meetup 6 or 7 times at this point. I didn't think Shane really cared, because he just vegges out on electronics with Carrie while I'm out (She's on WoW and he's watching Wakfu or Pokemon).

Then Shane realized that my board game night is at the same time as Pokemon night. He not so subtly hinted he "wished he could go to Pokemon night instead" when I was heading out.

"Sorry, kid. I get one night a week to do something for me."

If I was half and half on going before Shane said that, I was all in after. I think it's good for him to see that A) He's not the center of the universe and B) sometimes Mom or Dad goes off to do something on their own.

Maybe he can convince Carrie to take him next time I'm out.

The board game night hasn't been great about forming deep relationships yet, but it has been a great way to learn a bunch of new games. I enjoy discovering new rules, mechanics, and themes, so it's a good fit for me there!

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