Monday, September 3, 2018

Final Pool Day....with Sam and Toby! And Iggy!

My cell buzzed on the drive home from Grandma's. Sam asked if Shane wanted to play.

Of course, Shane did! We met Sam, Toby, and Kate at Fry's Spring Beach Club at 3:30 PM.

Shane and I have never been. You have to be members and it's too expensive for the amount of driving we seem to do over the summer. It was a nice looking place. There were three separate pools: Baby, wading, and adult (max 7').

Shane and Sam were excited, because Iggy was there!

The boys ran down to the deep end immediately.

I set up shop in some shade and watched them ham it up.

The boys were doing cannonballs and silly walk and jumps with abandon.

They were all super hyper, super noisy, and super entertained. Hallelujah!

Shane did get a small time out for trying to wrestle in the water and half pulling Iggy under. He was overstimulated and not thinking, I guess. It was only for a couple of minutes, but I wanted to get the "Don't try to drag your friends under water and make them yell when you're both in the deep end and not grade A swimmers" lesson taught. It stuck.

Break was blown 10 minutes till the hour. The boys all went to the kiddie pool to kill the time. They were many close moments where they tackled each other and nearly knocked their brains out on the side of the pool. It put Kate and I on edge a few times, but God protected them. It's like the walls were built with kid repellent technology.

Paul, Iggy's dad, came with me to watch the kids all jump in the deep end before they went home for dinner. Then it was the two amigos, Sam and Shane.

Shane shows a predisposition to thinking he can immediately join any social group in progress. There was a young boy (5?) and an older boy (11?) who knew each other. The older boy would tease the young boy and let the younger kid chase him and try to whack him with a kickboard (all standard older sibling type stuff, but they didn't look related). Shane started trying to throw water and say, "Take that!" etc on the older boy out of nowhere. He looked genuinely confused with, "Who is this kid?"

Later, Shane tried to jump in amongst a group of 10-14 year olds all jumping on and wrestling for a floating toy. He saw them playing and swam over without a moment's thought. 

Predictably, he didn't fare well. I heard him telling Sam later, "Those guys are mean!" I sat on the edge of the pool ready to dive in if there was a problem, but I thought the kids do a good job of not manhandling the pup trying to run with the bigger dogs.

Shane tried to splash the kids randomly and scowl them down later until I told him to cut it out. If there was a lesson to be learned, I'm not sure Shane learned it! He and Sam were swimming around grabbing kickboards and having a ball until the next break was called.

The boys reclaimed Sam's inner tube and wrestled for it all break. Then they floated around together some in the wading pool (whenever they weren't capsizing). Toby had the other inner tube. Really, I only saw Tobey and Kate during the breaks. It was divide and conquer!

A horsefly was the last main attraction of the night. I don't know who spotted it, but the boys were out to get it (and inform everyone they could that there was a horsefly and it could bite!).

They tried to splash and cannonball the horsefly out of the sky.

Then they wanted to use their floating toy as a 'trap' for the fly to land on and get splashed.

Needless to say, the fly evaded them easily.

Shane would have stayed another hour, but it was time to head out. Sam had brought Pokemon cards to show and the two geeked out and talked strategy.

They talked all the way to the cars and didn't want to get in the cars to say, "Goodbye!"

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