Friday, September 21, 2018

Professional Development Day

I like to drive dangerously. That is, I drive with a drink.

Decaff, sadly. I channeled my inner Takumi, but there were a few bumps and spills.

Kids were out of school so that teachers could attend a keynote and a variety of trainings.

The keynote was actually really good! It was by a professor from Project Implicit. I'd seen and read some of the research before, but it was a good refresh, communicated well, and had some new information.

I came home at noon. Carrie ran off to the barn, and Shane and I played a game of Pokemon. I realized too late I was using a deck he had tinkered with.

I have some virtual classes to work on, but I'll have to catch up later. Carrie texted that there was some trouble at the barn, so I was the main source of Shane-tertainment.

Until TKD, at least!

I heard back from Carrie later. It was a really tough time at the barn. She'd helped a vet euthanize one of Jenny's horses. She'd been supporting Jenny all afternoon, but was grieving herself. Carrie volunteered to do barn chores for Jenny while Jenny trailered the body home to her parent's farm to be buried.

I had thought about going to NOVA for the weekend if Shane's soccer game was rained out, but shifted my priorities to the home front. Carrie was frazzled from a week that started with a bus incident, then some medical stuff, work stuff, and then horse stuff.

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