Monday, October 14, 2019

Good enough? + Work Life Balance

I came home to a gravel dust cloud Monday. Kyle was finally making good on leveling out the arena. 

Carrie declared it, "Good enough." It's not great, but she wants to move on (I will apparently be hand-raking to fix some issues).

Carrie's been after Kyle for weeks and frustrated because couldn't work her horses in the arena as it was (and that's not including her injuries). She didn't feel like she could advertise our property until boarders would have a place to ride, either.

Hopefully, this closes the construction chapter and will reduce some stress levels.

The newest stressor is our internet. It's suddenly been terrible. Carrie even had an atennae installed and we're connected to the service better, but the flow is down to a trickle. That's rough when you work from home.

Carrie sent me this as I was writing:

We used to get close to 20 Mbps. We started around 10 Mbps, bought some paddles to boost the reception and it worked great for a while. Now? There's no explanation. Carrie's spent hours on the phone with the providers.

There's always something.

Even with all that, it feels like my work-life balance is starting to even out more. I have plenty of stuff to do every day. I wake up to chores, get home around 6 PM with Shane for a dinner break, and then go back to work. After Shane gets on electronics and/or goes to bed I may rest for a bit and then do some grading before bed.

I started to work out a new system for recycling since the old one was a bust. Shane and Henry got to crush all of our cans as a chore/game.

But I'm starting to have some free time at the end of they day where I actually have energy. I was thinking about it the other week. "Hey! I have time to think about something that's not school or chore related.......what should I think about? Maybe about having time all of a sudden?" It was a doozy.

I used the spare energy and time to start catching up on other the blog you're reading. I'm actually caught up for the first time in months!

Ironically, I feel like things are finally starting to balance and wrestling season is going to start in three weeks! I'm not sure what that's going to look like at the new school with the new job in a new barn.

All part of the adventure, I guess!

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