Sunday, October 6, 2019


Carrie was the hero this weekend. She set up a play date with Henry! We met Henry and his parents at a winery 15 minutes away. Most people have to drive much further, but we're already out a ways...

We brought Loki with us. The boys ran around with him at first. When they tired of that, Loki napped in the car and Henry and Shane continued roaming. It was a large, calm, and green area, so Carrie was able to relax even with them out of sight.

It's not like Shane can stay away forever! He's social....and he gets hungry. We ordered him a cheese pizza.

The adults talked while the kids played. A fly may have landed in Erik's drink, but Molly removed it before five seconds expired (and no one told Erik until much, much later).

Erik, Molly, and Henry took Shane home with them after lunch. He was ecstatic.

Carrie and I went home unsure what to do with ourselves and ended up talking to contractors. A pair of gentleman came by to quote how much a front walk would cost.

 Amazingly, two other things happened. One, Carrie scooped a bee onto her finger.

Second, the men were interested in our big blue truck with bad wheel bearings. Carrie gave them the pitch and warned them about the foibles.....and a deal was made. The goal had been to clean it up and list it soon, but it never hit the market.

It was time to pick up Shane soon after they pulled away. We found him and Henry up in a tree house!

Erik is something of a name in the horse world for his work on constructing jumps and courses for events. It seems that he applies some of his skills and scraps for personal reasons, as well!

The boys played together really well. We'll have to get together with Henry and his folks again at some point. Molly is a horse trainer and owned a horse that Carrie owned at one point (Sport). Small world.

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