Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween 2019 - Storm's a'comin!

Shane went to school as Harry Potter today! It was "Dress as a Book Character day" (not to be confused with Halloween).

Strong storms were predicted. There was already a Tornado Watch in effect that stretched across multiple states. I was going to take Shane to UVA to trick or treat on the lawn, but they rescheduled. ACPS cancelled all afterschool activities and said, "Go home." Shane's afterschool program was scheduled to close an hour early, so I grabbed him on my way home.

There was rain throughout the morning, but the trenching efforts looked effective. It was an absolute downpour when I was on the school field trip!

For now, we were in the calm before the storm. We pulled the mower into the garage and battened down hatches, just in case. The wind was blowing like a gale and I figured there was a good chance we'd lose power.

Carrie would have preferred for Shane and I to stay in for the night, but it was Halloween! The big activities in Charlottesville were cancelled (and rescheduled if you can believe it).

Scottsville's activities were still a go and just around the corner! Shane and I drove in to town to get some trick or treating done up and down mainstreet.

The policeman liked the med bag I'd emptied to hold candy with.

It wasn't anywhere near as busy as UVA would have been, but there was candy to be had! We saw one of Shane's afterschool teachers from Jackson Via with her kids, Shane's friend Cameron, Shane's teacher and his family (dressed as Dumbledore by the way!), and I saw one of my students with her family.

Scottsville definitely has a small town feel that's more apparent the longer you're around.

If not for the storm, we could have stayed longer and people watched. We only walked around for about half an hour before heading home.

I noticed there were people trick or treating the houses behind main street as we drove away. That's something to note for next year.

It was a much lower key Halloween than in the past, but it worked for us. I would have preferred to take Shane to UVA, but the driving back and forth would have added over an hour in the car to the night.

UPDATE: There were tornado warnings in a few adjacent counties, but we didn't have anywhere near what was expected. I had planned on taking Shane to UVA Friday, but he as in TKD camp all day and I decided to bring him home to see Grandpa and Grandma instead.

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