Friday, October 18, 2019

Rough Friday

It was a rough Friday morning. Carrie needed me to stay home, so I did. It made me a little anxious to use leave, but that's what it's there for. 

Besides, the priorities were easy enough to sort out: I want to work until I can retire, but I want to be married until I'm called home. 

I spent the morning supporting Carrie and doing physical labor. We went on errands to Lowe's and Walmart and enjoyed Arby's for lunch.

We had a visitor in the afternoon: Jenny! Carrie hired her to ride Samwise and Madison to get them back in shape. All of the horses have started to act like they think they're retired. Carrie would like to work them back into shape herself, but with her foot and knee she needed outside help to start the process.

It's good to see an old friend, too. The ladies horse nerded out.

Jenny took Sam into the arena first. The fence vexed Loki at first, but he found a way to slide in after!

Jenny worked Sam and Loki trotted after.

He'd run back when she got far enough away from where we were.

I sat in the corner with Carrie and practiced some photography.

Samwise and Loki were breathing hard by the time Jenny was done.

Maddy was next, but I did't get any pictures I felt like saving. I spent most of the time watching and talking with Carrie. Riding is not 'my thing,' but I'm thinking about learning more to help out.

We made some progress. There's still a lot going on and new challenges will always pop up, but we're still moving forward by God's grace!

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