Saturday, October 12, 2019

Weekend Visitor

Henry came over for a dinner play-day on Friday!

Molly dropped him off and he hung around for the next couple of hours. It's nice knowing someone who's only 10 minutes away.

The boys were both beyond excited.

Henry helped Shane feed Loki. Henry's really interested in animals and chores are more fun with a buddy.

Henry also came very hungry. Carrie made BBQ and mashed potatoes and he was thrilled. He went back for thirds and I asked if he had a hollow leg.

Carrie was thrilled, because Henry loved the mash. Shane complained the other day that the potatoes were seasoned (Not spicy. Seasoned.). Henry looked at Shane like he was crazy and Shane ended up getting seconds on the potatoes himself!

We all did barn chores after dinner. Henry thought it sounded like fun and Shane was Tom Sawyer'd right into it.

The boys did enjoy themselves. Henry threw up some hay into the feeder that rained back down on Shane.

 A hay fight nearly ensued.

The boys filled the feeder and then climbed up to distribute the hay evenly (and to climb for the sake of climbing).

We had them run off into the field to find Sam's missing halter.

And run they did.

They found the halter, too! How about that? They were actually useful and made it more fun for everyone.

Maddy was happy with the hay they put out when I turned her back out.

The boys finished the night playing Kirby on the SNES.

Molly picked up Henry a little after 8 PM and he wasn't ready for bed.

That wasn't the last we saw of Henry over the weekend, though. Saturday morning was soccer.

Shane started off climbing on the sideline, but he went in for defense the first half.

He played well enough with some great stops (though he runs more off the field and switches to a jog on it!). The second half he was the goalie and was scored on twice (One was a weird corner kick that no one touched and it bounced in by the far post).

They lost 3-0, but it was a decent game.

After soccer, we met Molly, Erick, Henry and their dogs for ice cream! If I had known it was so dog friendly I might have brought Loki.

It was "Cone with a Cop," so kids ate free.

Shane and Henry walked the dogs up and down the town street and then tried to make a fishing rod out of a stick and a grate/mesh scrap they found.

Then they climbed the hill behind the brewery.

Someone at the brewery warned them there could be copperheads back there when the weather was warm. Henry seemed to think that anyone and everyone at the brewery was probably drunk, so the warning wasn't valid!

We said our goodbyes Saturday afternoon, but the boys were back at it Sunday after church. Molly was going to a baby shower, so Erick dropped Henry off for another play date (Have I mentioned it's nice knowing someone close by? It is).

The boys crushed a bunch of cans in the garage for me to earn Super Nintendo time. Carrie put me to work peeling apples for a dessert she was working on.

Loki wanted to help.

There was a minor snafu when the lower oven was turned on for the first time. There had been pans and information/warranty sheets wrapped in plastic.

It made for a mess.

We offgassing pile of junk out the sliding glass door to cool down and not stink up the house (further).

The dessert turned out great if you're wondering. Carrie made a soft pecan brittle and then stuffed the apples with them. She wrapped the apples in pastry shell and it was like having a personal apple pie (If only we had remembered to buy ice cream!).

They boys played Kirby until I kicked them off. I took the dog outside to pee...

...and suddenly I had two boys join me!

We wandered off into the empty boarder's fields.

Henry really enjoyed Loki chasing him. Shane really wanted Loki to play fetch and was frustrated that Loki only wanted to play chase (Can't deny the herd dog instincts).

I picked up trash and chaperoned. Garbage will blow off the road into the fields and it's annoying.

Everyone got some energy out. They weren't only electronic zombies, so I felt good about that!

Erick picked up Henry after a couple of hours. Shane's already looking forward to next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I am thanking God for this new friendship for Shane and between your 2 families. How wonderful! This may be your "Jeffers family". A match made in heaven, an answer to our prayers. What great fun Henry and Shane will have together as they grow up.
