Thursday, October 3, 2019

Parent Conferences Round 1

Shane missed soccer and I had my first round of parent conferences today. Parents could sign up online for 10 minute time slots between 4:30-7:00 PM.

I was allowed to reserve three 10-minute time slots for a dinner break....which I picked from 6:30 - 7: 00 PM!

The plan was to leave early, but I had a good discussion with the last group of parents that ran ten minutes over. Then I ended up talking to another math teacher and left around 7 PM anyway.

I confess I was a little nervous about the conferences even though I felt like I've been doing a good job so far (May it continue!). All of the conferences went really well with only one no show.

In hindsight, I have plenty of kids who are struggling who I wish had parents show up. I'm big on "If you do the work, you get better." Unfortunately, I have some kids who don't do the work and their learning (and therefore grades) are suffering as a result. Kids make their own choices and it's their lives in the end, but it's my job to help and push them to grow.

I was wiped by the time I got home. Carrie was kind enough to make pork chops and rice for second dinner.

That's right, second dinner.

The PTA had put out some Domino's pizza for teachers at 4 PM, so I got my first dinner to help me through the conferences. Carrie's second dinner pushed me to the point where I would explode or fall asleep!

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