Friday, November 1, 2019

Our First Boarder! + The Forlorn Pony

Our first boarder arrived today! Eddy is a 21 year old gelding who will be sharing a pasture with Sam.

Eddy's owners are Heidi (78) and Misha (90). Heidi likes to work with Eddy daily! 

Heidi and Eddy used to board at Carrie's friend Theresa's barn. Theresa decided to get out of the boarding business and recommended Heidi check out our place.

Grandma and Grandpa were on hand to greet everyone.

Eddy is an interesting addition to the mix. He's the old man of the group and nowhere near as food driven. He was lying out in the far reaches resting one morning and didn't want to get up for breakfast. Carrie had to walk out with a crop and shoo him in or he would have sauntered up long after breakfast was over!

Heidi was working on lunging Eddy the other day and Carrie went out to help.

Eddy is with Sam in the far pasture, because A) horses need a buddy and B) Heidi said that Eddy has trouble with mares. 

That means Nibs and Maddy are on their own in our pastures. Nibs misses Sam something fierce!

I took this picture after I got home on Eddy's first day with us.

Several hours later...

...and off in the middle of the night. Nibs stays looking out into the field where Sam is.

The following morning Nibs was at her post looking for her friend.

Maddy could care less. She'll leave Nibs pining and go off to forage. If anything, Maddy is probably happier this way, because Nibs has left her alone in her vigil.

Sam doesn't seem to notice Nibs staring after him longingly. He's too busy eating.

Poor Nibs. It's better to have loved and lost than to never loved at all (or so they say). When there's more boarders we may rotate ponies again based on personalities, but for the moment Samwise and Nibs will have to graze with a field between.

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