Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Not going to Fight it

I let kids sit wherever they wanted 1st quarter.

2nd quarter I implemented a seating chart. Some kids weren't happy about it.

In one block, I have three kids who slowly migrated to a back table. The table was originally intended for filing, but when my classes sizes increased past my desk count I had to start using it for students. These kids aren't bad kids, but I wanted to break them up and move them to where it would be easier to help them.

Of course, they didn't want to move. I expected they'd need some encouragement, but when they refused to move in spite of it I performed a magic trick. 

Now you see the table...,

...now you don't.

Unless you look closely behind my desk, at least.

I didn't see the need to get into a power struggle. It solved my problem real quick, too.

I felt good about how I handled the situation, but alas, it couldn't end that easily.

I needed to pull the table back out each day, because I don't have enough desks in later classes. I forgot to put it away one day and the kids in question flocked back to their clubhouse.

The same day that I forgot to put it away? I got a new student. Now I have to keep the table out, because I don't have enough desks to accommodate everyone otherwise!

Back to the drawing board on that one. The new student sat in one of the chairs I had assigned to one of the other students, but it seems to be a good fit for her.

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