Friday, November 15, 2019

Carrie's Subbing

Carrie's been subbing at Shane's school off and on. She's subbed for four days in five different positions. One day was a pair of half day jobs where she started off in art and ended 2nd grade. She's also subbed K, 1st, and 4th. 

She's had some fun stories already! It makes me remember when I subbed. I used to scribble down notes during the day about the shenanigans I went through! 

I gave Carrie a hug at the end of her last job and noticed something in her pocket.

She confiscated that from a 5th grader in art!

Carrie's been stressed the nights before she subs, but it sounds like she's done a great job. They keep calling and wanting her to come in!

Carrie said that the kids had some trouble with our last name, so they started to call her "Ms. Minnie Mouse."

She has no idea how it started, but it stuck!

I'm glad Carrie's been subbing. It's helped her get a feel for the school and a little extra income doesn't hurt. Unfortunately, the pay is tiddlywinks. It's better than nothing, but $10/hour is why the county has trouble finding enough subs to begin with.

If you want more exciting stories, you'll have to ask Carrie. They are hers to tell!

1 comment:

  1. That's super cool that Carrie is subbing! It's a great way to be able to relate more to Shane's world. That one of the reasons that we volunteer with the kids' programs at church. Way to go, Carrie!
