Tuesday, November 26, 2019

We Made it to Thanksgiving Break!

We made it!

Just barely.

Shane missed the school bus this morning while I was in the shower post horse chores. Carrie said she'd take him in and I left for work at my normal time.

Shane never made it to school, but he made it to the dump with a trailer full instead. Carrie said he helped. I wasn't thrilled he missed school, but the dump run and it being a low-attendance, pre-break type day took out some of the sting.

I was in a good mood from surviving up to break. Kids got work done and then I went with another teacher, Scott, to grab snacks at Wegmans for an impromptu "We survived" party in his classroom after school.

There was a wrestling scrimmage scheduled for 6:30 PM. There had been an away scrimmage in Lynchburg scheduled against one of the top ranked teams in the state on Monday that Coach Rick had (thankfully) cancelled. Coach Rick scheduled the meet-up today with Stuart's Draft as a make-up scrimmage more on our level.

I came home beforehand to help out with the new horses. While I was there, Carrie got the news Bear had passed away. I texted the coach to see if he needed me and ended up staying home.

There's not a lot of pictures or videos of any of this, but I do have one video I've been sitting on since the 20th. Shane had a mini-performance with the Tiger Tones! I dropped him off and then stayed around to watch the kids play a tune or two.

Shane's got his mother's ear, but my ability to stay focused on a beat!

I'm hoping he will continue with it in the Spring. I'm certainly going to encourage him to.

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