Saturday, November 23, 2019

Vermintide? Vermicide.

The first time we heard a mouse in the garage, we knew it'd be a problem.

The first time we found a mouse in Shane's bathroom trash, we knew the problem was here.

I had wanted to buy traps the first time I heard a little guy. Carrie wasn't so sure. Since I was at work, I never made the time to do it and now this is where we're at. 

I was going to exterminate the first little guy, but Carrie asked for mercy.

She changed her mind the second time a mouse showed up in Shane's trash can.....and then there was a third!

That's where we are.

Unfortunately, our garage has been a land of plenty. We filled up all the trash cans and when we ran out of space, we had to start putting bags out by themselves....bags which mice can burrow into. 

We had hoped Carrie could manage a monthly trip with the cans in the back of the truck, but it hasn't happened. Instead, we have a mound that grows until we fill the horse trailer. 

My daily life is usually booked from 7 AM to 7 PM, so the only time I can help is on weekends. Then the only one who will drive the truck + trailer is Carrie and if she's hurt, tired, or has something going on over the weekend it doesn't get done.

That's how we got here.

And this is what we're doing.

Mouse traps are cheap and plentiful. When a kill is made, I chuck the whole thing away and put out a new trap. We went through the packs we bought at the local hardware store and had to order more from Amazon.

We are avoiding all poisons. We have animals on property and Carrie is opposed to poison in the ecosystem in general. Carrie tried getting some humane, sound devices to discourage visitation, but they seem useless.

I think the mice are getting into the house through gaps in the walls and the flooring. I haven't been able to find any other entryways.

Shane came bolting out of his room one time screaming, "There's a mouse in here!"

Of course, this happened as we were about to go somewhere. I'd sent Shane into his room to grab his coat and he'd come out screaming blood and doom while I stood at the garage door waiting.

The mouse skittered behind his bed frame into a hard to reach place.

Shane's room was a mess of hiding places. He had toys all over for a mouse to hide under in a game of chase. We started to clean up (under protest), but called it quits due to timing.

Shane and I blocked off the obvious escape points and left to do our errands. I figured if the mouse didn't escape, then there were no points of entry in Shane's room itself.

We got home and the mouse was still there.

It turns out Max is a terrible mouser.

It was comic. She'd turn around and the mouse would run behind her. I would move her to try and show her the mouse, she'd turn around and look up at me for a pet, and *skitter skitter* the mouse was gone!

We tried leaving her in the room alone with the mouse and all that happened was a nap.

The mouse got away later. I kept telling Shane to leave it alone and pick up, so that it'd be easier to make a catch. Shane didn't listen and he ended up disturbing the barrier and shooing it into the bathroom. It made it's escape and wasn't seen again.

Unless it's been one of the mice I've found in a trap. There have been plenty of those.

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