Thursday, November 21, 2019

Shane's Grounded

Carrie texted me at work. Shane's teacher contacted her about Shane's computer usage.

Carrie and I texted back and forth to discuss it. Then we asked Shane's afterschool program to not allow him to use his computer after school. Shane needs to learn to use his computer appropriately if he's going to have it for recreational use after hours.

We were going to leave it at that, but part 2 happened after Shane and Carrie left the wrestling scrimmage. 

Carrie had let Shane play on her phone for the ride home. She was in a great mood. She'd had a good ride with Jenny. She surprised me. She picked up Shane early from afterschool and felt like things were going well.

She was extra happy when Shane agreed to help out with barn chores without any complaining! She hopped out of the car and went to work in a good mood.

She was still working in a good mood half an hour later when she realized, "I'm almost done.....Where's Shane?"

Shane was sitting in the car on the phone. Still.

So Shane's off electronics for a bit. He couldn't resist at school and then he couldn't resist at home.

I'm hoping to give him a chance to earn them back at home over the weekend (Probably Sunday).

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