Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Photo Dump

Without Shane around and Carrie being camera shy, the pets have gotten to be center lens more often.

Loki pines for my lunch breaks. He lays against the door while I teach. Waiting. When I have enough time, I take him out to run off some energy. We've held off some due to the wet weather, but do you see the unbridled joy on the boy's face?  

We had a lot of rain, so Loki went several days without a chase session. All the pent up energy came out in a hurry!

Loki's far from the fastest animal on the planet, but it's neat to watch him fly across the grass.

I accidentally focused too much on the car for this shot. Loki's blurred, but I can tell you the person riding shotgun was looking down at something!

I got plenty of shots of cats sleeping on and around Carrie. I even took some of them myself! I don't think she can be too mad about this one. Her hands are lovely.

Sometimes the cats deemed me an acceptable substitute.

In particular, Aria wasn't deterred by the dog or me trying to use my phone.

She insisted upon attention.

You can tell Aria apart from Tsuki by her whiskers. She has two white ones. It's been well documented that both kittens enjoy heights and aerial acrobatics, but it has been less well documented they like to burrow. Sometimes in blankets on the couch and sometimes under pillows.

Carrie has banned all forms of jumping onto the couch if the kittens are not visible.

Speaking of Carrie, she discovered her phone has a night mode. 

It lets you see more of the cosmos than the naked eye. 

I was reminded of it again today (10/22) when Carrie took some new pictures involving the moon.

We turned off all of the lights in the house, because any ambient light is magnified tremendously. If you really look for it, you can see a reflection of the moon in the sky (or at least we think that's what it is).

Almost makes me want to get a better phone or learn more about the settings on the one I have!

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