Saturday, October 3, 2020

The Soccer Update

It's been three weeks without a post about soccer. Time to fix that.

Shane's 2nd practice was rained out, but we made it to the next two.

I am loving the drive. It's the easiest thing in the world.

Shane's been enjoying practice. He's not fond of everyone's attitude, but you can tell he's thrilled to be around kids in general. He's been running more and trying harder from what I see....from the car. 

It's both good and bad sitting in the car while Shane practices. I don't really hear if the coach is focusing on any particular skills, but I'm also more "on break."

And it rained at practice #4! The car was dry!

And whatever else happens this season, the rainy practice may have made it all worthwhile. There was no lightning, so the show went on. The coach had them in an endless scrimmage.

Every kid needs a chance to play a big game of something slipping around in the rain!

The games are an equally amazing commute. I'm already planning on doing the local league next Fall, too! Shane's been eager to gear up each Saturday.

I found a yellow shirt to show my support!

Shane's been a little more frustrated at the games, though. Shane was hoping they'd win by now. However, a boy showed up on the blue team who'd missed the first week and was a clear level above everyone else on the field.

The kid can dribble on the run, change directions, pass, and shoot from near midfield if no one covers him! The opposing coach clearly lets him go on offense the first half and then parks him on defense the second half of the game to keep it competitive. 

For the most part, I've been really happy with how Shane's played. We're there for the experience and the joy of the game.

He gets frustrated when he gets scored on, but that's not a bad thing unless he throws a fit or gives up hope. If a little frustration drives him to do better and to celebrate when things do go right then it's a healthy ingredient mixed in to the experience. 

I'm pretty sure Shane's one of the youngest kids on the field. He doesn't turn 10 until after the season's over, so I would have thought he'd be a U10 instead of a U12. Most of the kids aren't in his grade and he said some of them "went" to Scottsville Elementary.

I've brought that up before when encouraging Shane to do his best. I want him to have the attitude that's he's going to do his best regardless of the odds and find victories where he can.

Which sometimes are "don't make the same mistake two games in a row."

The second game, Shane got called out by the ref three times for trying to kick the ball from the ground. The final time he was in the goal box and the other team got a penalty kick.

He didn't repeat the mistake the third game.

He did draw a new penalty for kicking the ball twice in a row after a free kick. 

Why? Because it's hard to put any power behind a kick when you're too busy showboating.

Shane's not a power-kicker and he knows it. I think he wanted to be fancy and 'trick' the other team, but got lost in the excitement of everyone watching him!

He didn't make the mistake again on the third game (It's all about baby steps...).

I caught a fun video of Shane warming-up in goal. He's got a style o

He gets along well with most of his teammates, too. He started a team yell of "Banana Slammas!" He's told me other running jokes with the girls that make plenty of sense to him (one of the girls call herself "Dead Girl" and likes zombies?). He certainly looks like he has fun dancing around (notice how much taller the other kids are?).

There's one other boy, but Shane says he's "rude" and berates him. 

The goalie on the other team is Shane's friend, Peter, from after-school. We ended up behind him in line for pictures.

All-in-all, it's been a good experience. My only regret about Shane getting to visit Nana and Pop next week is that he'll miss soccer....but did I mention that? That's another story that kicks off tomorrow.

Side note: The train tracks are right by the field. I hear a train go by and several kids spectating ran up the hill to watch it go by.

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