Monday, September 27, 2021

Crop Duster Monday

We had our annual visit again. This video makes it look like he was going to crash right through our neighbor's house.

The crop duster was back. I swear he was flying way lower this time. There were multiple times I looked out the back window and wondered if he was going to crater into us. 

The flybys started during morning chores and kept up all day. He was still going at it when we went out for evening chores!

The horses ignored it for the most part.

It was new for Lane. He had one moment where he got worried after dinner, because Carrie let out the other boys, but left him in for a minute to take a quick video of the aerial acrobatics.

Loki desperately wanted to catch the plane, but he wasn't fast enough.

I really liked this one angle where I got the duster flying out of the sun and trees.

I got a great still that made me think of almost every WW2 aviation movie I'd ever seen.

Why was I home to video all this? Wasn't it a Monday? Yes, it was, but it was also a teacher workday! I had zoom meetings and an opportunity to update grades instead of chase kids. The ability to have virtual meetings and stay at home is one of the good things that came out of the global pandemic!

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